This page is for sharing photos.
Click the "Upload photo(s)" button to add yours. (Approval may be required prior to publishing)
Friday,Sept 29 - Tour of Bement Billings
Upload your photo(s) to the album
- Click in the box or drag your photo(s) into the box.
- Enter your name and email address and a caption or title for your photo
- Submit your photo(s)
Recommended image size landscape: 1200px wide x 600px high, Portrait: 600px wide x 1200px high.
Friday, Sept 29 - Evening at Hopshire
Upload your photo(s) to the album
- Click in the box or drag your photo(s) into the box.
- Enter your name and email address and a caption or title for your photo
- Submit your photo(s)
Recommended image size landscape: 1200px wide x 600px high, Portrait: 600px wide x 1200px high.
Saturday, Sept 30 - Homecoming Parade & Football Game
Upload your photo(s) to the album
- Click in the box or drag your photo(s) into the box.
- Enter your name and email address and a caption or title for your photo
- Submit your photo(s)
Recommended image size landscape: 1200px wide x 600px high, Portrait: 600px wide x 1200px high.
Saturday, Sept 30 - Dinner at Donoli's
Upload your photo(s) to the album
- Click in the box or drag your photo(s) into the box.
- Enter your name and email address and a caption or title for your photo
- Submit your photo(s)
Recommended image size landscape: 1200px wide x 600px high, Portrait: 600px wide x 1200px high.
Sunday, Oct 1 - Sunday Brunch & School Tour
Upload your photo(s) to the album
- Click in the box or drag your photo(s) into the box.
- Enter your name and email address and a caption or title for your photo
- Submit your photo(s)
Recommended image size landscape: 1200px wide x 600px high, Portrait: 600px wide x 1200px high.
Sunday, Oct 1 - Tour of Newark Valley High School
Upload your photo(s) to the album
- Click in the box or drag your photo(s) into the box.
- Enter your name and email address and a caption or title for your photo
- Submit your photo(s)
Recommended image size landscape: 1200px wide x 600px high, Portrait: 600px wide x 1200px high.
10th Year Reunion Flashback
Sue L’aviné and Kathy Hammond at our 10th reunion
Terri Underwood and Audrey Welsh at our 10th reunion
Andy Hvizdos at our 10th year reunion
Bill L’avine (and wife Lori) at our 10th reunion
Chuck Meade and wife at our 10th reunion
Roger Kinney+Sharlene and Mark Monroe at our 10th reunion
Randy Lacey+wife at our 10th reunion
Jennifer Rosenberger+Frank J at our 10th reunion
Jeannie Scales + Dave at our 10th reunion
Mark, Chuck, Dennis Spencer, Billy, Randy, Andy. Kathy, Linda Lewis, Jennifer, Audrey, Terri, Sue L
Upload your photo(s) to the album
- Click in the box or drag your photo(s) into the box.
- Enter your name and email address and a caption or title for your photo
- Submit your photo(s)
Recommended image size landscape: 1200px wide x 600px high, Portrait: 600px wide x 1200px high.
Kindergarten Class Pictures
Commencement Program - June 24, 1973